Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fabric Flower Headband Tutorial

I don't know if you guys have noticed a trend, but headbands are coming back. Not those big fat puffy headbands we wore in the 90's. Accessory stores are selling headbands right and left for at least $10. But I've made several headbands for a lot less. Here is one of them. I got the idea from

Here is what you need:
Some sort of silky fabric - I got mine from the costume section of the fabric store and it is 100% acetate
Hot glue gun and glue
stretchy headbands - I got 8 for a $1 at the Dollar Store
small piece of felt
small clear glass beads
candle or lighter for flame

Step 1:
Cut out several circles out of a Synthetic Silk fabric in various sizes.
I cut out five different sizes from round household objects. You can see what I used sitting behind the circles.

Step 2:
Hold the edge of the fabric to a flame to singe the edges.

Note: If the wick is not deep inside a glass jar you are less likely to burn your fingers.

Step 3:
After all circles have been singed around the edges, hot glue the circles together with the largest on the bottom.

Step 4:
Add a drop of Hot glue to the center of the flower and sprinkle with small glass beads. Let completely dry.
Step 5:
Cut out a piece of felt and hot glue headband in between flower and felt.

You are finished!

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